Wed 4 March - NEW! - Branch Council Meet & Greet at DOW's Lake for Parents & Guardians. Join us and meet the Branch Council to discuss our state of affairs and the way ahead. We will have some pizza and refreshments prior to this month's Ceremonial Divisions at RCSCC FALKLAND
Lastly, Cadets were not the only ones to receive awards. Two individuals within the Branch were recognized for their exemplary service and dedication. The CO of NLCC KINGSMILL, Lt(NL) Woznow, was awarded an NLC National Service Award for her leadership of the Corps; and the Past-President, Mr Jeff Woznow was presented a National President's Commendation for his contributions in many capacities over the years to the Cadet program in the region.
The approach of the end of the training year is busy with final classes, exams, awards and, of course, the Annual Cadet Reviews (ACR). The ACR for KINGSMILL was held on 10 June with a good display of their dress & deportment on parade and successful teamwork (having won in all Squadron competitions this year) in dynamic displays.
The HOWARD was underway again at the start of June in support of the Sea Cadet's Second on the Water Training event. On the same day, the Navy League Cadets were off on their annual Namesake Visit to Portland to tend to the grave of VAdm Kingsmill, now a heritage site.
Much has transpired over a busy Spring for the Branch and the Corps!
Our second TAG DAY took place on 12 May. Unfortunately, The Branch was not able to man all of the thirty sites arranged for the event. However, the parent & cadet teams got off to an early start to put in a long day, and the Ottawa community was again very generous. Over $9000 was raised. The Branch remains on track for this year's cadet activities!
Our second TAG DAY took place on 12 May. Unfortunately, The Branch was not able to man all of the thirty sites arranged for the event. However, the parent & cadet teams got off to an early start to put in a long day, and the Ottawa community was again very generous. Over $9000 was raised. The Branch remains on track for this year's cadet activities!
The centerpiece of the Branch's Summer Program, the HOWARD provided many hours of on-the-water training for the cadets of both Corps. She participated proudly in numerous ceremonial events, supported DND activities (such as the for the RCN and at the Army Run) and was present in most civic programs on or around the Rideau Canal. |
Among the largest Corps in Canada, training started in early September. In addition to their own basic training programs, the Cadets participated in National and local Remembrance Day parades, the Wreaths across Canada ceremonies and other civic events such as the MFRC Day, Navy & Coast Guard Day and support to the Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign. With all of the training, practice and experiences, they advance in their skills & confidence - and have fun along the way! |
The training will continue into the Spring leading to competitions with their peers across the Province, and opportunities for further training and adventures next Summer
The Branch continues to enjoy phenomenal support from HMCS CARLETON at their facility on Dow's Lake. In addition to attending their recent Change of Command ceremony, we held one for the new CO of VADM KINGSMILL - LT(NL) Bruce Brown (taking over from LT(NL) Carolyn Woznow after her years of stalwart leadership), and provided the venue for the appointment of the new Navy League Cadet Commander at Ontario Division - LCdr (NL) Steven Drury. |
A final fundraising "TAG DAY" for the year, held at the end of September, was our most successful to date and set a Branch record. Indeed, support throughout the year exceeded expectations. With the ongoing support of the stores at our standing locations, a very generous Ottawa community, significant donations annually from sponsors such as the Royal Canadian Legion (Barrhaven, Westboro and Strathcona Branches) and our members (particularly noteworthy donations ffrom VAdm (Ret'd) Ron Buck and Jim Cummings), the Branch was able to run a full slate of programs for the cadets.
Additionally, with large directed donations this year from the the Hal Gillis estate, the Nickle Family estate, organizations such as the Naval Association of Canada and several particularly generous benefactors such as William Cuddie and LCdr Schmidt-Clever, the Branch was able to do even more, complete some major initiatives this year and will be able to continue progress on several others
Luis Matos, an avid volunteer who has been very active with the Branch and Corps for many years, took on the mantle of being our Boats Chair - a critical function as the Branch progresses the work needed on our aging fleet of boats and seeks to replace our safety boat. A few key positions on the Board of Directors remain vacant (in particular, a dedicated Secretary and a Membership Director) that badly need to be filled for the upcoming year! If you are keen and can help - please join us. The Board's current state is shown on the on the Board page.
The Branch was able to conduct a brief membership campaign during the Spring, Much of membership had been lost over the period since our last membership drive, and rebuilding the list required some time and effort - leading to a delayed start and a quick campaign by email, Happily, the response was good and several members returned, most with strong donations that were very much appreciated!
A new campaign to build on that momentum will be conducted this year, this time by mail in January. The Branch hopes to return to a practice of membership drives annually. A strong membership foundation is needed to both maintain the Corps, programs and activities that our youth movement brings to the community, and to broaden community engagement with the values we promote in them for our future.
Upcoming Branch Meetings / Events
The first Branch Council meeting for 2019 is planned for 14 January 2019. It promises to be an interesting one as we close out our performance last year, and look to what is intended for this year. Parents and Members are invited to attend Council meetings to hear the latest on Branch issues and options.
The Corps will each embark on a major trip this season. RCSCC FALKLAND will deploy on a visit to Halifax this March Break, and NLCC VADM KINGMILL will conduct an overnight visit to Kingston (and Old Fort Henry) in June. Planning is underway, so stay tuned to their websites as information becomes available.
CHARITABLE TAX RECEIPTS for 2018 - will be mailed out during the week of 14 January. A few were apparently sent out directly by Ontario Division last fall, so if you do not see one you are expecting, please contact the Treasurer.
Last Updated: 9 Jan 2019
Whether a Member, Parent, Staff, or Volunteer in any capacity, take a moment to register with the Branch so that we can stay in touch! This can be done quickly from the Registration page!